Achievements 2019-20
A.-Career Counseling Cell
1. A workshop was organized on 24th September 2019 on Human Re-Engineering for college students by experts from Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala
2. Registration for Digital Literacy Certificate Course was organized on 4th October, 2019.
3. Lecture on Corporate Integrated management Accounts Course (CIMA) was organized in association with Vocational Educational Programme under N-ECS on 5th October, 2019.
B-Women’s Grievance Cell
Organized a lecture related to Health and Hygiene Of Girls delivered by Dr Vandana Grover, eminent Gynecologist of Roorkee on 3rd October,2019.
Organized one day workshop on “ IQAC Challenges in Higher Education” on November 25, 2019 in which Prof J P Pachauri, delivered key note lecture related to IQAC challenges.
1. Kumar V, Singh N and Dhiman M (2019). In vitro study on encapsulated shoot tips propagation of Trichosanthes dioica (Pointed Gourd). Int. J. Res. Anal. Rev.(IJRAR).06(1):300-308. ISSN 2348-1269/2349-5138.
2. Kumar V, Singh N and Dhiman M (2019). In vitro propagation from nodal and root segments in Momordica charantia (Bitter Gourd). Int. J. Res. Anal. Rev.(IJRAR).06(1):1196-1204. ISSN 2348-1269/2349-5138.
3. Gondwal M, Chamola B P and Dhiman M (2019). Effect of seasonal variation and edaphic factors on AM population associated with medicinal plants of Hardwar range of Rajaji National Park, Uttarakhand. Int. J. Sci. Res. Rev.(IJSRR). 8(2):01-08. ISSN 2279-0543.
4. Gondwal M, Chamola B P and Dhiman M (2019). Seasonal diversity of AMF in Motichur range of Rajaji National Park, Uttarakhand. J. Emerg. Tech. Innov. Res. (JETIR). 6(5):470-474. ISSN 2349-5162
5. Bhanja Kishore Khuntia and Dr Tanveer Alam, “ Synthesis and characterization of zero-valent iron nanoparticles, and the study of their effect against the degradation of DDT in soil and assessment of their toxicity against collembola and ostracods” ACS Omega 2019, 4, 20, 18502-18509. ISSN: 2470-1343
6. Naveen Kumar J.S. Jangwan “Antibacterial Activity and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of Prunus cerasoides leaves extract”, Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7 (4), 2019. ISSN: 2321-1040
7. Surbhi Sagar and Arshi Rastogi, “Evaluation of equilibrium isotherms and kinetic parameters for the absorption of methyl orange dye onto blue green algal biomass”, Asian journal of Research Chemistry, 31(7), 1501-1508, 2019. ISSN: 0975-427X (online) 0970-7077 (Print).
8. Manoj Kumar Sharma and Monu ram 2019. Bhartiya shakshik parivesh me ramayan ka yogdan. Recent Educational and Psychological Researches. 2(8):
9. Indoor Air Pollutants & Associated Health Hazards: A Review, in Advances in Basic & Applied Sciences, Edited by Dr. AlokSagarGautam& Dr. TusharKandari, Ancient Publishing House, New Delhi-110 053, Page75-90, 2019, ISBN:978-93-84866-90-7.
10. Effect of Chalk Dust on Classroom Air Quality & Associated Health Risk to Teachers and Students Advances in Basic & Applied Sciences, Edited by Dr. AlokSagarGautam& Dr. TusharKandari, Ancient Publishing House, New Delhi-110 053, Page75-90, 2019, ISBN:978-93-84866-90-7.
E-Conferences/Symposia/workshop/Training courses
1. Dr.Vandita Srivastava presented paper on Pollution Control through Nano materials: A Review (Oral Presentation), International Conference on Material Science and Applications (ICMSAA-19) organized by Department of Physics, H. N. B. Garhwal University, Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttarakhand, on November 25-27, 2019
2. Dr.Vandita Srivastava presented paper on Retention Rates for Masters and Ph.D. Programmes and Role of ICT & UGR in Physics Education (Oral Presentation), 34th Annual IAPT Convention-2019 & National Seminar on “Recent Advances & Innovations in Physics Teaching & Research (RAIPTR-2019)” organized by Department of Applied Sciences, IIIT, Allahabad, Prayagraj October13-15, 2019
3. Dr.Vandita Srivastava presented paper on Char Dham Highway Project: A threat to Himalayan Ecology, National Workshop on "Recent Advancements in Atmospheric Science with Special Reference to Himalaya" organised by Department of Physics, HNB GarhwalUniversity, Srinagar, Garhwal on 25-09-2019
4. Dr Arshi Rastogi delivered oral presentation in 3rd International conference on Innovations in Sciences, Engineering & Technology on November 09-10, 2019 organized by Department of Chemistry, Arya PG College, Panipat, Haryana.
5. Dr Manoj Kumar Sharma and Dr Monu Ram attended refresher course on Multidisciplinary approaches to address environmental issues at HNBGarhwar University, Srinagar from 12-09-2019 to 25-09-2019.
6. Dr Kiran Bharti attended 2-weeks Refresher Course from Faculty Development Centre, H N B Garhwal University, Srinagar from Septembetr12 to 25, 2019.
7. Dr Manjul Dhiman and Dr Kiran Bharti attended 2 days national workshop on “Jivvigyan me vaigyanik evam tachniki shabdawali” organizrd by CSTT, MHRD at Chamanlal Mahavidyalaya, Landhaura from 9th to 10th December, 2019.
8. Research Scholar Mr Mushtaq ahmed presented research paper in International Conference on Contemporary issues of climate change in Himalayan Environment held at Govt PG College, New Tehri from 14 to 16-11-2019.
9. Research Scholar Ms Jaya Chandola attendede 1 day workshop on Master the publishing Process organized by UCOST, Dehradun on 25-11-2019.